Best Center Console Boats – Make or Break features (Series Intro)

Due to the ever increasing popularity of the center console boat, configurations, sizes, features, deck layouts, and a dizzying array of options constantly growing, their widespread popularity is primarily due to the open, unobstructed deck space made available by the design.  When intuitively approached, the resulting layout can yield full walk-around fishing room, easy access to the water, and uninterrupted 360 degree visibility for the captain and crew.


Whether you are a casual family cruiser, a scuba diving enthusiast, or a hardcore fisherman, the center console boat can answer all of your needs. As consumer demand has resulted in the size of the vessels growing, it is no surprise that the new category of “Super Center Consoles” has been established in the market-place.  These are vessels that include all of the inherent versatility of the center console configuration with hull sizes large enough to potentially provide the owner/operator more comfort and stability at higher speeds, safety for longer distances in demanding sea conditions and new destinations and fishing grounds becoming more attainable.  As in all things, quality of execution is of critical importance.

Proper design features, structural engineering, and build quality become ever more important as vessel scale grows.  The achievement of all of these goals can either make or break the entire ownership experience.  As Scott Henley, co-owner of Bahama Boat Works, says: “It’s the difference between constantly fixing or enjoying your boat!” 

In this series of articles we will be breaking down 3 quintessential aspects:

• Engineering factors

• Quality of manufacturing

• Design features

Bahama Boat Works considers these components mandatory in order to enjoy years of trouble free boating satisfaction and most importantly SAFETY and sustained value of these amazing “super-center-console” vessels.

Stay tuned for the next article addressing “make or break” engineering factors.

Contributing Authors to this series: Scott Henley, Bob Sparks, Zed Bennet, Brian Pandiscio









One thought on “Best Center Console Boats – Make or Break features (Series Intro)

  1. It’s true that the best boat is going to have proper design features, great structural engineering, and good build quality. I don’t see how you could compromise on any of those and end up with a good boat. I don’t mind the larger center consoles as long as they’re built with the same quality as the smaller ones.

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